Rugved Katole


778 Dreese Laboratories

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH, USA

Hello There !

I am a Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University, working with Prof. Christopher Stewart to bridge computing and robotics for real-time robotic systems.

My current research focuses on generating datasets that capture the spatial and temporal characteristics of real-world environments, enabling robotic models to operate efficiently in harsh conditions while minimizing the costs of data collection and testing.

Additionally, I am developing sparse data reconstruction techniques, where UAVs partially scout crop fields to collect sensor data. This data is iteratively used to predict field-wide conditions, ensuring accuracy remains above a set threshold while optimizing resource usage.

If you are interested in collaboration please send me an email on katole<dot>2<at>osu<dot>edu

My previous works can be here.


Nov 29, 2023 Our latest 2 papers are available on arxiv, check them out!
Sep 22, 2023 New Website is live
Aug 31, 2023 Our Paper has been Accepted at IROS 2023 Workshop on Agricultural Robotics for a Sustainable Future

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